Thursday, November 18, 2010

Team House Build In Rocket World

The First part of out team build in Rocket World was to do a basic diagram of our house and divide the work assignments up.  One of the challenges was that I labeled the dimensions in Feet and Rocket World uses meters.

I tried to get a quick start since a good portion of the elements depended on me getting my walls started.  I learned that 10 meters was the limit for how big I could build.  This did not cause too big a problem since I had to build the walls in sections to create the door openings anyways.

After creation the complete front wall i was able to select all the component parts and copy it for the back wall.  This  is the most efficient way of building within Rocket World that I have found.  One thing I should have done was to change the texture before copying.  It was not bad because the editor remembered my last selection.

Here I am finishing my portion of the build from inside.  The walls are positioned correctly and I am adjusting the floor I just created.

This is a front view of the finished house.  Notice the garage and the Basketball hoop.Who left that prim in the way of my picture?

This is the back of the house with our custom pool.

Roll Call 1 Class #11 - John Hardiman

Space Shuttle Build Pictures

These seven screen captures show the progress as I attempted to build a space shuttle orbiter in Rocket World.

Starting to look like something.  Using primitives to build in Rocket World can be challenging.

First on three views of my finished orbiter

View Two of finished Orbiter

View three of finished product.  I proceeded to delete my work from Rocket World per the assignment.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Class 9 Assignment 4 Three Page Animation

In this assignment I created a three page animation.  First I animated my name making it the letters appear at different times as the background color changed back and forth.

Then I animated a multicolored bouncing ball in a changing background so it would appear to change size.

The final page of the animation i tried to make it appear that a race car was flying by, then slowing down and finally coming to a stop.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Class 9 Assignment 3 Object Animation

I animated a light bulb.  I started by making the words "I have an idea" appear at different times and in different ways.  Then the light bulb image appears behind the words.  Finally the words "Click here to learn more.  When you click the object, you are directed to

Roll Call 3 Class #9

Class 9 Assignment 2 Ball Animation

I animated a ball using Power Bullet.  I selected a background color, created a ball that was multicolored using the gradient tool and made the ball bounce using the animation feature.

Roll Call 2 Class #9 John Hardiman

Class 9 Assignment 1 Name Animation

I created an animation of my Name in Power Bullet making it appear in different ways.

Watched Video about Creating Flash animations in Power Bullet

Watched Video About Power Bullet

Create Flash Files for Free
Uploaded by l0ckergn0me. - Technology reviews and science news videos.

Roll Call 1 Class #9

Downloaded and Installed Power Bullet

I downloaded and installed Power Bullet