Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mid Term #7 John Hardiman

For this exercise i downloaded a portrait of John Wayne from the web.  Since his image was the focal point of the portrait, there was no need to crop the photo.  I re-sized the image to the appropriate size in Photoshop and copied the logo from exercise A2 in our online book and pasted it into Photoshop as a new image.  I selected the black border on the rectangular image and removed it.  Zooming in, i removed remaining pixels outside the circle.  I re-sized this image to the correct size to cover the subjects eyes and pasted and positioned the logos.  I then added a black rectangular bottom banner to the photo and added text as directed.  I saved the file in the original PSD format preserving layers as well as JPRG format to post to the blog.  Link to PSD File

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