Thursday, October 28, 2010

Roll Call 2 Class #8 John Hardiman

Customized My Avatar in Rocket World

Listened to Professor Walsh Explaining the Importance of Avatars in Virtual Worls

Professor Walsh Explained the Importance of Having Your Avatar Reflect Your Personality

Watched Video About How People Can Become Attached to Their Avatars

Watched Wonderland Series Video about Relationships in Virtual Worlds

Watched Video on "faces" of Virtual World Avatars

Roll Call 1 Class #8 John Hardiman

Roll Call 1 Class #7

In the Class we had an extended learning ladder to conduct an peer review of Mid Term submissions.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Mid Term #8 -John Hardiman

For Midterm 8 I took a family picture

I then cropped myself out and created a head shot.

I touched up the head shot using the blur tool and other tools to eliminate smile lines, wrinkles and blemishes on my forehead, neck and nose.  While I was at it i eliminated some red eye effect and did a small bit of teeth whitening.  I was careful to not overdo the corrections so as to appear cartoonish.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Roll Calls 1 + 2 Class #6 John Hardiman

In Class 6 we advanced in our study of Vector Graphics

SB Anthony Bit Map

SB Anthony Gold

Bad Silver Dollar Bit Map

Silver Dollar attempt

Mid Term #10 -John Hardiman

For my Mid Term 10 assignment I created a picture of a house, two children with balloons and a dog using vector art built into Microsoft word.  I utilized various techniques to change the object features including: size, position, color, fill color, fill texture and even fill patterns.  I used both standard shapes and free drawn elements in the picture.  Click here to go to word Document

I watched along with required video, followed along and demonstrated the techniques.   Link to word Document

I watched the B6 Video in the Vector Graphics section of on line text.

Mid Term #9 John Hardiman

For this exercise i created a course diagram in Microsoft Word which represents the first part of the MT35101 Discovering Computer Graphics course as directed using various shapes, colors and lines.  I included my name in on of the shapes as directed. I then took a screen capture of the word document and saved as a jpeg image to post to the blog. Link to Word Document

Mid Term #7 John Hardiman

For this exercise i downloaded a portrait of John Wayne from the web.  Since his image was the focal point of the portrait, there was no need to crop the photo.  I re-sized the image to the appropriate size in Photoshop and copied the logo from exercise A2 in our online book and pasted it into Photoshop as a new image.  I selected the black border on the rectangular image and removed it.  Zooming in, i removed remaining pixels outside the circle.  I re-sized this image to the correct size to cover the subjects eyes and pasted and positioned the logos.  I then added a black rectangular bottom banner to the photo and added text as directed.  I saved the file in the original PSD format preserving layers as well as JPRG format to post to the blog.  Link to PSD File

Mid Term #6 John Hardiman

I created a logo of my name in Gimp Shop and Animated it as a gif, through the use of multiple layers rotating clockwise at 45 degree intervals to make image rotate clockwise.

Class 6 Assignments

Class 6 Reading Assignments

Listening to explanation of the differences between 2 D and 3 D, vector and Bit Map Graphics.

Roll Call 2 Class #5 - John Hardiman

In Class 5 We were introduced to Vector Graphics

Reading About Vector Graphics

Roll Calls 1 Class #5 John Hardiman

In Class 5 We were introduced to Vector Graphics