Thursday, September 30, 2010

Roll Call 3 Class #4 - John Hardiman

In Class 4 we were introduced to 3 D Bit Map Graphic through the use of Rocket World

Mid Term 4 John Hardiman

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I manipulated My Camera angle to take a picture of my avatar from the front and cropped the image to remove the extraneous Fire Fox browser elements and re-sized the image using Photoshop. An example of the process is shown below.

Resize Image
Crop image and add text
Take a picture of the Face of Avatar

Roll Call 2 Class #4 - John Hardiman

In Class 4 we were introduced to 3 D Bit Map Graphic through the use of Rocket World

With Classmates by the Rockets in Rocket World

Roll Call 1 Class 4 - John Hardiman

In Class 4 we were introduced to 3 D Bit Map Graphic through the use of Rocket World

Meeting and Chatting with Team Graphix Teammates in Rocket World - John Hardiman

I met with fellow Team Graphix Team members, Diana Prudent and Andrew Prince. We had a chat in Rocket World.

Mid Term 6 John Hardiman

Mid Term 5 - John Hardiman

I edited the file adding my name and saving first as a Progressive JPEG  (Mid Term 5A JPEG)

I then re-saved the file as an Interlaced PNG using Adobe Photoshop.  (Mid Term 5B PNG)

Mid Term 6 Readings - John Hardiman

B7 Tutorial #4

B7 Tutorial #6

Mid Term 5 Watched Videos - John Hardiman

Video B11

Video B12

Video B13

Read Chapters 1 and 2 - John Hardiman

Ch 1.0.1

Ch 1.0.2

Ch 1.0.3

Ch 1.0.4

Ch 2.0.1 (Broken Link)

Ch 2.0.2

Ch 2.0.3

Ch 2.0.4

Red Eye Format File Format Comparisons JPEG PNG GIFF - John Hardiman

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mid Term 3 - John Hardiman - Save as different web formats



I saved the file Ball.tif to my desktop and the opened it with Photoshop.  I selected Save as and selected the file format jpeg from the drop down format window.  When I hit save a window launched where I had to select the image quality between 1 and 12 and selected progressive.  There is a file size indication down the bottom of the panel that also lets you select the download speed to see the time it will take.  I checked different resolutions and settled on 8.
 I opened the file again and selected save as GIF format.  Photoshop forces you to save it as a copy. I then had to select black and white or colors forced to select primaries, web, or custom.  I picked web and clicked the box to preserve exact colors.  A window popped up asking normal or interlaced.  I chose the latter.
I opened the file once again and saved it as a PNG format file.  I had to select interlaced or non interlaced.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Roll Call 2 Class 3 - John Hardiman

In Class 3 we worked on Gimpshop Fundamentals including removing Red Eye from a photograph

Mid Term 2 - John Hardiman- Added a Caption in Photoshop

Here I added a caption to a photo by selecting a rectangular area using the select area tool in Adobe Photoshop and filling it with white by selecting edit then fill and selecting white.  In Photoshop I could have also done this by selecting the color white as the foreground color and using the rectangle create a block.  Then I used the type tool to insert a caption.

Mid term 1 - John Hardiman - Removed Red Eye Photo

I downloaded this picture into adobe Photoshop and using the Paintbrush feature wrote my name on the photo. I first selected a color that would stand out from the rest of the picture.  I then used the navigator feature to enlarge the image to 600%. Next I used the eye dropper tool to select color from the eye.  Using a 3 pixel brush I colored over all the red in the eye, being careful not to go outside the eye.  Then to make the picture a bit more realistic I selected the color black and using a 5 pixel brush with a 75% flow rate I recreated the pupils.

Gimpshop Open and Zoom Video

Watch all the Rocket World IED Videos

Skype Installed with Contacts

Roll Call 1 Class 3 John Hardiman

In Class 3 we worked on Gimpshop Fundamentals including removing Red Eye from a photograph